Pearl Harbor Day – Thank You

December 7th is a very special day – Pearl Harbor Day – the day that “lives in infamy.” It is the day that Pearl Harbor was bombed by the Japanese with a surprise attack at 7:55am local time. The day that forced the Unites States to enter into World War II. The day where more than 2,400 people lost their lives, 1,000 were wounded, and where thousands of other Pearl Harbor survivors witnessed atrocities that bear on their memories to this day.
Today, we honor all the World War II veterans and thank you for your service. We stop and look back at the sacrifices you made and remember that your sacrifice came at a high cost. That cost is not purely financial. It is the cost of human life, both of those who died and survived, and the ripple effect on all of those who come after them.
As a Pearl Harbor tour company we feel an immense responsibility to keep history alive. We give people an experience that will help etch the importance of this historic day into their memories. We urge that you take the time today to share your memories of this day with your family and friends so that we can all appreciate the high cost of freedom.
Freedom isn’t free. Thank you to all of those who served and paid the ultimate price. We honor you today – 74 years after the devastating attack on Pearl Harbor – and we honor you with every flight we give, and every tour we lead. Thank you.